Intangible to Tangible
Part-A Reflecting on Creative and Critical thinking aspect
1-learnings with respect to the materials and techniques used-
1-Hose pipe-
I used 4 different types of pipes, One was the thick old hose pipe, which was very difficult to cut and mould, whereas the the transparent hose pipe and the thin pipe used in science laboratories were comparatively softer, easier to bend and mould.
It was easier to cut the pipe with scissors as compared to the cutter as scissors provided a better grip
Transparent hose pipes were very bendy and stretchable, thus easier to mold into different shapes.
2-Acrylic Sheet-
This was the first time I ever used an acrylic sheet, it has a glossy texture and a smooth finish, I used it in my final outcome.
It cracks easily if you force it too hard into slits.
Keep it covered from the brown sticker on it while getting is laser cut as the smoke/fumes leaves a mark on it.
It comes in various thickness, keep the thickness of your slits and the acrylic sheet same.
3-PVC pipe-
It was very difficult to cut the pipe as it required a lot of pressure, as it is very thick and sturdy. cutting the pipes with the hacksaw was very untidy for which I used sandpaper to removes the extras from the edges and give it a smooth finish.
I noticed on applying heat the pipe started to open up on its own, It becomes soft and easily moldable.
Also tried cutting it both horizontally and vertically, forming spirals, cutting it half, making patterns on it by cutting etc
difficult to cut.
high density, very sturdy, thick .
becomes very soft on heating ,can be easily manipulated
has a strong odour when burnt.
a lot kerf (powder) comes out while cutting it.
Though I struggled in cutting it with the hacksaw, but when I figured out the right technique to hold it, and figured out the right angle and posture of my body, it became doable for me.
4-Nylon Rope-
It could spread into various thin threads by just pulling them with your hands, was easy to cut. I couldn't explore much with it, but I did try a few explorations.
5-Sun board-
Had already explored sun board in term 1 but this time tried a lot of slit and fit techniques, layering, making it flexible and also tried to create an abstract human form by burning and molding it. Learnt new things about sunboard.
You can make a lot things from sun board without using any adhesive, just by slit and fit.
measurements are very important and should be kept in mind while making slit fit.
Sun board becomes flexible after giving vertical half cut lines on it
Sun board can be molded into any shape after applying heat on it, as its becomes soft and flexible.
Its easier to cut a sun board smoothly after heating up the cutter.
6-square section pipe-
Very hard and stiff, requires a lot pressure to cut from hacksaw.
can be drilled, hammered ,cut horizontally/vertically, curved, and slit fit.
Used a hard aluminium sheet to give textures and the soft one to cut and create forms.
can easily be textured
can be bent easily with a plier
difficult to stick two aluminium pieces together.
easily gets curled up on cutting with thin cuts.
easy to coil strips of aluminium sheet using a plier.
shape can easily be manipulated just by hand
can be easily manipulated with the hand.
easier to cut vertically.
can be given any form.
its wires starts to cone up out, if a lot pressure is applied while cutting it.
9-Thin wire-
very easy to cut with scissors/plier and mold with hand.
helps to connect/bind different things together.
It was a very new and fascinating concept to me that how everything is digitalised now, how everything is made so easy and convenient with the help of technology.
-Reduces time and effort
-Reduces cost
-Easy replication
-mass production
-more accuracy and precision
-better detailing
-avoids error
As a design student this project has taught me the whole process of how to reach step by step reach onto a final design/outcome/idea.
It has made me realise that a lot goes behind a final outcome-the research, ideations, explorations, iterations, detailing and most importantly planning.
It has made me familiar with a lot of new material, their usage, a lot of new tools and techniques that I will be using in future in accordance with different materials.
It has made me more aware and curious about my surroundings, I have started to observe more, look at things more carefully and figure out the idea behind them, the material and process to make them.
It has evolved sensitivity inside me and I could attach emotions to the most mundane things. It made me think of a name for any exploration I did, which led me to asking the 'WHY' and analyse why I did make that certain form.
It helped me to work according to my intuitions, my instincts as we were free to explore everything and anything and ideas came along on there own while we were exploring.
I have realised that material explorations and experimentations is rather a very easy and flexible area. Something always lead to an outcome, and I feel sometimes its good to fail as a failure is also a success because it helps us understand certain aspects and leaves behind a bunch of new knowledge.
I struggled the most with my final outcome. I thought my idea was very easy to execute, but when I started doing it I realised no it was not easy at all!
I got laser cutting done on the acrylic sheets, and they broke when I was trying to slit and fit them. Also I couldn't figure out the material that I will use for my human form. My initial idea was to make it from melted aluminium, and of course that didn't workout. Then I tried aluminium sheet, which couldn't take the pressure of the acrylic cubes placed above them.
After trying out everything I almost gave up, nothing was working out the way I planned.
Then I decided to use those broken pieces of acrylic sheet and execute my idea, for the human form I used hard cardboard, aluminum mesh and aluminium foil.
I decided not to give up no matter what and kept on trying something or the other until I got what I wanted...It was not exactly what I had in my mind, but the intangible feeling that I wanted to depict came out well.
Connecting the past with the present-
Think lab-
1-visual expressions-learnt that how we can express emotions by just experimenting with different types of lines, for example I depicted the word threatened by scribbling zig-zag lines, because I thought that's how my heart pounds when I feel threatened and for the word calm I just drew simple wavy lines as I associate them with beaches and beaches make me feel calm.
Similarly here, learnt to represent emotions using my explorations, and naming them by looking at the texture of the material, the feel.
2-New possibilities-Wherein we learnt that we can change everything and anything according to a small new possibility by replacing the normal situation with a new possibility , we just have to think beyond what we already know!
Similarly here we worked with different new possibilities of materials, as each material could be manipulated in new and different ways.
The same square section pipe manipulated in new and different ways-
3-Thinking hats-
we wear these hats unconsciously almost every time whenever we take any decision in our lives.
during this project-
White hat- when we saw the presentation of art and artists by josh sir.
Red hat- As we followed an intuitive design approach and worked on our intuitions.
Green Hat- As we used our creativity to transform different materials into new and different ways.
Black hat- When I messed the measurements a bit for my final outcome., and every time I faced difficulty while cutting hard material with the hacksaw.
Yellow hat- When I remain optimistic even when my ideas didn't work out the way I thought them to.
Blue hat- The process we followed these 3 weeks to reach to our final outcome.
4-Slice and dice-For the final outcome I had divided my work into smaller stages like drawing the rough idea, deciding upon the size , getting my design approved , digital drawing , making a 3d model mock up and then getting it laser cut.
Part-B Concept Note-
"The Increasing pressure/burden on human life"
Its so fascinating to know that how an intangible emotion can be brought to life using our own creativity.
I have tried to depict the Intangible feeling of burden and pressure of life that a human being feels. The cubes are placed in the increasing order according to their size which shows that how the burden keeps on increasing with time and age.
Remember how care free and happy we used to be as children? well look at us now!
All stressed up and anxious, furious and frustrated.
The growing expectations of people around us, our own expectations from us, have caused this pressure to increase even more, causing us to lose ourselves, not knowing what exactly do we want from life?.
The bottom part depicts an abstract human head that is bearing all the pressure on his head,
the wires coming out from his head shows his inner frustration.
He is frustrated from within, but hides the pressure behind his peaceful facial expressions.
The crushed aluminium foil depicts how the human being is crushed by the pressure he is bearing on his head.
The pressures of life is like
The weight of the world
Crushing down on me
I wonder if I have ever
Let anyone see
The good side of me
The pressures of life is like
The weight of the world
Crushing down on me
If only I could break this
Relentless cycle of never feeling free
I can only hope this darkness
That clouds my mind body and soul
Won’t let me…let me fade away
So far…so far away
The pressures of life is like
The weight of the world
Crushing down on me
I sit here in my state of depression
Wondering if this will be
My last confession
The pressures of life is like
The weight of the world
Crushing down on me
With the hammer cocked
And the barrel pressed tight
I am down on one knee
I can only hope this darkness
That clouds my mind body and soul
Won’t let me…let me fade away
Fade so far…so far away
-Robert Curry