This project was basically about finding the essence, importance or the true meaning behind colors using different methods and tools of inquiry.
It taught me how each color evokes its own message and we as humans associate different colors with different emotions and things.
-I used a lot of methods for my inquiry including talking to my family for inputs, watching a lot of videos, reading articles and web pages, but the ones that helped me the most were
observation, experimentation and discussion.
made me explore more in my own environment and made me question a lot of things that I was not considering earlier.
It made me realize that most of the things or ideas that I was looking for were already around me, it also helped me to perceive things from different angles.
I was able to find more than fifteen blue objects from my own surroundings through observing and exploring.
I also went out in the natural surroundings to collect some natural objects like flowers, fruits etc.
By looking around I found a very unique and different looking blue flower on the road, I picked it up for my color extraction task.
on the other hand widened my perspective and my views regarding the color.
by reading about other people's view points, I was able to gather more information and I grew more curios and started questioning each and every aspect.
For example when I read the discussion board, I got to explore beyond my own understanding, I got to learn many other associations regarding my color like cultural, scientific, psychological, religious and many more.
Though at times things became very tedious and repetitive but I tried to take that as a challenge and hopped onto to some more interesting readings and discussions.
To be very honest, reading and exploring about the same color again and again became a little irritating, but the fact that I got to learn so much made me feel happy and good.
TOOL-Mind map
-One of the tool that we used for our inquiry was the mind-map.
-It gave a shape to our ideas and thoughts.
-mind mapping was not a new topic for me as I have been doing it in my personal journal.
but this mind map included the whole groups view points about our color which made it even more wider and interesting, it made the information part a lot easier to read and explain.
-The categorization became easier with the help of the arrows and boxes. The division of categories makes it easier to draw connections, leading to clearer conceptions of context.
One of the limitation was that it became very cluttered because of the vast information, but spreading it a bit here and there solved that problem.
Use the space proportionally
Use different colors for different categories
Use different arrows and symbols to show connections
Add only useful information
Spread the map
Try to use visuals
Avoid unnecessary cluttering
Avoid repetition
Avoid using a stylish font for text
I should have explored the natural environment more for better examples and associations

-The most confusing part for me in this EOC project was the final submission of the commentary log where we had to compile everything together while adhering to the word limit. I was facing difficulty in adhering to the word limit as I had so much to write, but then I figured it out by including the important information and wrote short and crisp sentences.
-I was the most confident and had clarity about the color extraction task where we had to create swatches. I am good at mixing colors and making an exact shade of color.

1- During this project I learnt how to Inquire- One can only move forward when he inquires. Every inquiry is incomplete without us asking 'why'. During the 6 days we learnt not to just stop at questions 'what', 'where' and 'when', rather ask 'why' a particular thing has been done. It also helped us realise colour as a visual element of design.

-learnt to collect most of the information just by exploring my own environment! for example, I was able to collect more than fifteen blue objects just by looking around myself.
In future I will keep in my mind that I also have to look more into my natural environment as I only found blue-berries and orchid flower as my natural objects.
2- I learnt that how each color evokes its own message and how color plays a very important role in visual communication, it can express emotions and convey messages.

3-I learnt the art of reflective writing and how it helps us to learn from our mistakes and perform better in future.
Parri Ahuja-EOC, Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration
Link to my reflective writing
-Overall the whole project was fun, what kept me the most engaged was the need to learn and to interact with my peers, also I was worried that if I do not interact or participate much, I may miss out on important stuff. Honestly at a point it got a little boring, researching about the same color again and again but what kept me motivated was the promise that I made to myself that no matter what, I will give my best in every task or project.
In future I will try to worry and stress less over the assignments and will have fun while performing them!
-I figured out I am good at experimenting with colors while performing the color extraction task as I was able to obtain the exact shade in just one or two attempts.
-I was good at meeting my deadlines as I submitted my assignments on time.
-I interacted and participated in the class discussions.
Challenges or Barriers-
- I am not fond of reading much and during this project we had to read a lot, be it for the discussions or while inquiring and also the detailed briefs for each tasks.
-I am not a very techno savvy person but this project was mostly done digitally, so I faced a little problem in figuring out how things work.
-This project also required a lot of writing and got a little monotonous at times.
-As this was the first project, there were bound to be some hiccups but now that I am a little friendly with everything I will overcome these challenges.
Also if I do not let my assignments get piled up and complete them on time, I will surely able to manage everything and anything that comes my way.
Illustrated Glossary Of Design-
INQUIRY | questioning why certain things happen and collecting information through research. |
REFLECTION | going through the whole process of what you have done, learning, through your mistakes and finding ways to correct them in future. |
HUE | A tone, tint, shade or variety of a color |
MUDDIEST POINT | the most difficult or confusing task for you. |
LOG | a written record of your whole process or your journey of a project. |
CONNOTATION | a word to suggest a different association than its literal meaning. |
BLUE PERIOD | a period between 1901-1904 where Pablo Picasso painted monochromatic paintings in shades of blue. |
TRANQUIL | something quite or peaceful. |
ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE | a fact or information that is given based on a personal observation. |
CULTURAL ZEITGEIST | spirit or essence of a particular time, means what is going on culturally, religiously, or intellectually during a certain period. |
PERCEPTION | the way an individual see things or look at things from their viewpoints, its different for different individuals. |