-We were introduced to Lateral thinking.
-LATERAL THINKING-A term first coined by Edward de Bono which means "thinking from different directions".
-lateral thinking is a combination of both creative and critical thinking.
-In simpler words lateral thinking means seeking to solve problems by using unique methods .It's process and willingness to look at things in a different way.
-THINKING HATS-The Six Thinking Hats approach was created by Edward de Bono, a Maltese physician, psychologist and philosopher.
-The six thinking hats is a method used to amplify creative conversations, by making sure that a broad variety of viewpoints and thinking styles are represented..
-Usage/importance of given colors in 6 thinking hats -
WHITE HAT- facts and data
RED HAT-gut feelings and intuition
GREEN HAT-creativity
BLACK HAT-bad decisions and difficulties
YELLOW HAT-positive thinking and optimism
BLUE HAT-process control
main activity- warm up- introduction
-It was a group activity, we got blue thinking hat and we had to make an A2 size poster sharing the importance\usage of our particular hat in detail to the other classmates.
-blue thinking hat-It focuses on controlling our thinking and managing decision making process. It also tells the order in which the other hats must be used.
-We were supposed to apply all the hats together on one topic. My group was given Social Media as the topic. And we as group chose INSTAGRAM because it is a well known platform and has a wider scope of information. -miro board link
-The six thinking hats helped us to focus and cover all the aspects of our topic in a very creative and fun way, each color has its own usage and importance which helped us to individually look at different aspects in detail.
-I also realised that we wear these hats unconsciously almost every time whenever we take any decision in our lives We can't use one hat during the process of decision making. All the hats are consciously or unconsciously have to be considered to get to an appropriate conclusion.
-this also reminded me of our essence of color project as each color of the hat had a different meaning, usage and importance.
-While reading and researching about these hats I also found that there is a seventh hat called the purple hat or the Royal hat. eg. It is known as the owner hat and reflects the perspective of the owner who is both committed and invested in the meeting output and project outcome. May have difficulty switching perspectives because they own return on the investment.
-I also realised during this activity that it is easier to address a problem and come up with a solution by dividing it in smaller tasks and one by one look at things.
Also by questioning the why in everything helps us to explore more and come up with solutions along with reasoning.