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Visual Expressions-ACTIVITY3


LINE- a line is a point moving in space, and it's one of the seven elements of art.

We were told about various types of lines including straight, curved, curvy, vertical, diagonal, horizontal, spiral, broken, wavy and zig-zag.

We saw a short funny movie on lines and dot, where I learnt was that a line is not merely a line but can form a lot angles, shapes, symbols and can express a lot of emotions.


In the warm up activity we were shown a lot different types of lines and were to told to associate emotions and feelings from them. We were divided in a group of five and were given four words, we individually had to express those visually by drawing different types pf lines on a 4 by 4 inch paper. within 3 minutes. We were told not to use any colors, as colors can depict emotions easily as compared to black and white.

The four words I got were - threatened, breaking, radiant and calm

these were the immediate and random visuals that came to my mind while thinking of that particular word.


In the main activity we got enough time to think and make, we had to select any two words from the five given set of words, I chose lazy and jumpy because I thought I will be able to depict them better.

also we had to convert any of the 2 words on a 3D object. I depicted jumpy on a 3D cube with the help of a black thread.

The main activity was more interesting as we had to create 3D depictions


Reflective Writing-

-I learnt that how we can express emotions by just experimenting with different types of lines, for example I depicted the word threatened by scribbling zig-zag lines, because I thought that's how my heart pounds when I feel threatened and for the word calm I just drew simple wavy lines as I associate them with beaches and beaches make me feel calm.

-Working in a group also made me realize that even if we all were working individually, a lot of our ideas were similar, even without looking at what the other person has drawn.

-It was quite interesting to learn that lines not just make angles, objects or designs but also can de used to visually depict emotions and different expressions.

Learning Mantra-

"there is always more to what we see, everything and anything can depict an emotion or feeling"

-Parri Ahuja


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